G20によってアベノミクスが終る。公的債務削減の枠組み。Abenomikusu ends by G20. Framework of public debt reduction.
Decades from the departure from the gold standard. Some time period is likely to continue to strengthen the feet the world has been booming and abide by entertainment.
Perhaps destined to many rich intermediate layer that is formed in each country is reduced, we will disappear industry that is based on them.
Luxuries and entertainment industry, and leisure activities for the intermediate layer outlook would not be something that was not seen before departure the gold standard.
In developed countries, but the intermediate layer are disappearing already, it will drop the level of China's huge middle layer is also life.
Originally developed countries disappeared, what 's enhance the credibility of the currency and government debt reduction in order to redeem owe that devour Kyoman terrible in this situation would be reasonable.
For China to welcome the historic prosperity, celebrated after 20 years or more super-aging Japan, the world's economy toward austerity painful but thoroughly at this timing.
Had decreased but a country that is also 7.7% growth rate yet say. This will come in the impossible situation that is suppressed by the richness complaints to the government.
« ダークマンDarkman | トップページ | 最近の日本アニメが海外でも人気というのは大嘘Japan's recent animation that is also popular in overseas big lie »
この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: G20によってアベノミクスが終る。公的債務削減の枠組み。Abenomikusu ends by G20. Framework of public debt reduction.:
« ダークマンDarkman | トップページ | 最近の日本アニメが海外でも人気というのは大嘘Japan's recent animation that is also popular in overseas big lie »