色彩を持たない多崎つくると、彼の巡礼の年/村上春樹Saki and made many that do not have a color, Haruki Murakami / year of his pilgrimage
Haruki Murakami's novel, but can not understand, the translation of Haruki Murakami novel would come into the cool breeze of the tropical night as though the head.
Evaluated as a translator. Let's read more of his novels.
« キプロスがロシアに融資を要請した意味Meaning Cyprus has requested a loan to Russia | トップページ | シロナガスクジラの心臓は・・・Blue whale's heart is ... »
この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: 色彩を持たない多崎つくると、彼の巡礼の年/村上春樹Saki and made many that do not have a color, Haruki Murakami / year of his pilgrimage:
« キプロスがロシアに融資を要請した意味Meaning Cyprus has requested a loan to Russia | トップページ | シロナガスクジラの心臓は・・・Blue whale's heart is ... »